Each CAN address will contain a metadata file¶
In every address directory inside a CAN notebook will exist a metadata file.
The metadata file be in the JSON format.
The metadata file should contain every name for the note currently known. These names may be indexed elsewhere to speed up name searches, but the metadata file should be the canonical expression of names.
The metadata's contents won't be included in the digest used to address the note - it is data about the note, hence metadata.
It's possible and likely that the metadata included will be expanded as CAN continues to grow.
- Each CAN address is a directory
- Inside CAN's notebook there should exist a directory for every address present. The directory will be named the hash of the note which lives at this address (CAN will use SHA3-512 digests). Inside the address there'll be an AST file with the content of the note itself and a metadata file alongside the AST.
- CAN should keep a name to address index
- The index should be built in full on start-up and should be maintained as changes to names and notes occur. The underlying metadata files in each note should remain the source of truth, but all effort should be made to keep the index up-to-date.
- CAN's notebook address content