Normal form¶
- Constructor (Pie)
- In Pie, an expression is normal if it has a constructor on the top and all constructor's arguments are also normal
- An expression is normal if it has a constructor on the top with normal arguments
- In Pie, an expression is normal if it has a constructor on the top and all constructor's arguments are also normal
- A type has normal form
- In Pie a Type has a normal form just like any other expression would. A type is the same as another type if they share the same normal form.
- A type is the same as another type if they share a normal form
- In Pie, any two Types which share the same normal form are the same type. They are effectively isomorphic. Therefore
- The normal form of an expression is determined by the type of the expression
- Because the normal form of an expression has a constructor for a type on top, asking for the normal form of an expression without a Type is meaningless in Pie. It isn't possible to normalise anything without type information.